
Original color sketches for the creature, done using Photoshop and a Wacom tablet

I modeled the creature using planes in 3DS Max displaying the images of my drawings from each view. A Turbosmooth modifier is applied.

UVWs, exported from 3DS Max's UVW unwrap feature, and painted in Photoshop.

I built the skeleton from scratch using 3DS Max Bones. I used images of various mustelid skeletons for reference, since I wanted my creature to move similar to a weasel.

Using the Skin modifier, I manually adjusted some of the envelopes and used the weight table for others.
Scamper Cycle
This was my first try at creating and animating a creature from scratch. I designed this creature with several animals in mind, including but not limited to weasels, crocodilians, mongeese and tropical fish. You can see my guide drawings below displaying the front, back, sides, and top views of the character.
Like several other projects I've done, I used 3D Studio Max to model, rig, and animate the creature. I am currently working on improving the animation and making new animation clips. You can read more about my process in detail by clicking each of the images below.