In Progress-Unreal Engine 4 Beach House Scene for VR
Placeholder UE4 brush for stairs with simple wood texture applied
Luminance variation and random seed parameters are exposed for editing in UE4
A few more furniture models from 3DS Max. You can see the ottoman on the right in its low poly form before adding the ZBrush normal detail.
Temporary solution for the exterior until I figure something else out. The spotlight shining onto the plane creates the bright light effect outside the windows.
Another SD material, this time for the wall and ceiling. I painting the individual planks with this material in Substance Painter.
Adding the planks with their unique textures onto the wall
The Process:
This is the second addition to a series of Unreal 4 projects that I'm currently working on. I have the HTC Vive that I am regularly testing the scene in. I'm once again using Substance Designer and Substance Painter to create materials, but I've also recently started using ZBrush normal mapping to create more organic shapes such as folds.
As you can see this project is still in the early phases, with most of the assets still needing textures and many of them still needing to be modeled. I've been paying much closer attention to the poly count in this scene that I did for my Vray cottage renders.