In Progress-Unreal Engine 4 Park Scene

Making the paths by creating and editing splines in UE4's Landscape feature.

This screenshot shows the sky sphere and its material, which I'm using for lighting and as a background image. The image itself is an HDR of a cloudy sky.

I painted the landscape using various layer types that contain grass and shrub geometry as well as several textures for the ground.

A material example from Substance Designer. Physically based and created from scratch using various patterns and noises.

UE4 material for the landscape that contains information for grass, rock, and dirt layers.

Example of a mesh in 3Ds Max that I exported as an FBX and subsequently imported into Unreal.
The Process:

I recently began creating this park scene using Unreal Engine 4, 3D Studio Max, and Substance Designer. It's my first full project using either Unreal 4 or Substance Designer, and it's been a terrific learning experience thus far. I modeled all of the assets in 3Ds Max (except for the trees and foliage-those were downloaded), and created nearly all of the materials in Substance Designer.
There are many things that are still in progress here. For one thing, I'm going to spend more time adding details to the materials in order to make them look a bit more weathered and realistic. This is especially true for the ground areas, such as the basketball court asphalt and the floor underneath the playset. Clearly the landscape is much larger than the area I've developed so far. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to fill that space or simply clear it out and leave the focus on the playset and basketball court areas.